【記事】IMF 経済危機のスリランカに約500億円融資へ 事務レベル合意 / NHK











参考レート:1Rs=0.46 円(Rsを約半分にして円をつける)

【スリランカ債務整理関連 関連ニュース(2023年10月27日講義補足資料/北海道教育大学函館校)】


2023年10月12日 スリランカ、中国と6300億円分の債務再編で合意-IMF資金確保に道 / ブルームバーグ








2023年9月2日 経済危機のスリランカ 日本主導の債務再編を高く評価 大統領 / NHK








●ことし4月に発足の「債権国会合」 日本が主導
























2023年5月9日 スリランカ債務、早期圧縮一致 中国はオブザーバー参加 / 日本経済新聞














2023年4月14日 スリランカ債務再編へ日印仏の新枠組発足、中所得国債務問題に「光」か / 第一生命経済研究所


  • スリランカは過去の度重なる失政に加えてコロナ禍も重なり、昨年対外債務のデフォルト状態に陥った。ウィクラマシンハ政権の下でIMF支援受け入れに向けた協議が進められてきたなか、支援実施の前提となるすべての債権者からの融資保証が得られ、先月のIMF理事会において承認された。この決定に基づき直ちに約3.3億ドル規模の財政支援が実施されるなど、同国経済の立て直しに向けた大きな一歩を踏み出した。
  • こうしたなか、主要債権国である日本とインド、債務再編で知見の多いフランスが共同議長となる新枠組の発足が発表された。二国間融資で最大の債権国である中国の対応に注目が集まるが、全債権者が平場で協議することで融資などの付帯条件が詳らかになることの意義は大きい。中国を協議に着かせる環境作りに加え、すべての参加者にゴリ押しを許さない毅然とした対応を採ることが何よりも求められることになろう。


2023年4月12日 スリランカ債務再編、日本主導で新枠組み 中国対応焦点 / 日本経済新聞










2022年9月6日 1からわかる!中国「一帯一路」【中】改訂版 起爆剤か?債務のワナか? / NHK









2022年8月30日 1からわかる!中国「一帯一路」ってなに?【上】改訂版 / NHK



2022年9月13日 1からわかる!中国「一帯一路」【下】構想が変容!?米中対立の根源に? 改訂版



2023年2月 最近のスリランカ経済 / 在スリランカ日本国大使館



2023年1月2日 Economic Crisis, Inflation and Poverty in Sri Lanka / London School of Economics and Political Science

As Sri Lanka struggles amidst economic instability and hyper-inflation, N. P. Ravindra Deyshappriya analyses official data on poverty over the last 20 years, and argues for a more nuanced re-categorisation of the poor in datasets to enable a better targeted and customised benefits system that will optimise the impact of various welfare programs, and reduce overall poverty in the country.   

Poverty — being a pronounced deprivation in well-being, where well-being can be measured by an individual’s possession of income, health, nutrition, education, assets, housing, and certain rights in a society such as freedom of speech — has been recognised as one of the key indices of development, especially in developing countries like Sri Lanka. In fact, poverty has been specifically considered for global development agendas such as Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) because to its centrality in the development agenda. While MDGs aimed to reduce the global share of extreme poverty by half between 1990–2015, the focus of  SDGs is on ending poverty in all its forms by 2030. Individual countries, regional organisations and non-governmental organisations have also included reducing or ending poverty in their development programs.

Ending poverty nonetheless remains an enormous challenge for most developing countries, mainly due to unfavourable economic, political and climatic conditions. As highlighted by the World Bank, by 2018, 8.6 per cent of the global population was suffering from poverty, while sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia had 38.3 per cent and 15.3 per cent of the global poor respectively. There is clearly a high concentration of poverty in South Asia despite poverty levels varying greatly within the region.

Sri Lanka has been widely appreciated for its declining poverty rates, especially through the last two decades. In addition to the poverty estimates based on the National Poverty Line, the Headcount Indices based on different internationally recognised poverty lines also confirm a steady decline in poverty in Sri Lanka between 2002–2019 (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Various Poverty Lines for Sri Lanka, 2002–2019. Source: Based on data from Department of Census & Statistics of Sri Lanka © Author.

The Headcount Index at the national level dropped from 22.7 per cent in 2002 to 3.3 per cent by 2019. However, regional poverty disparity was significantly higher as Estate and Rural sectors account for remarkably higher poverty incidence compared to the urban sector. As such, the declining trend in poverty has been very unequal across the sectors. Poverty level in the Estate sector has been significantly higher compared to both Rural and Urban sectors, even as it has been slashed from 30 per cent in 2002 to 10.4 per cent in 2019. Conversely, Headcount Index of both Urban and Rural sectors in 2019 are 1.1 per cent and 3.3 per cent respectively, highlighting the huge variation in poverty incidence across sectors. The official Poverty Line indicates the minimum monthly expenditure which requires a person to fulfil his or her basic needs at minimum level; the poverty figures in 2019 have been estimated (by the Department of Census and Statistics in Sri Lanka) considering the Poverty Line at LKR Rs 4,166.00.


The current economic instability and inflationary pressure in Sri Lanka has drastically increased the price of both Food and Non-Food items. Accordingly, headline inflation has increased to 64.3 per cent in August 2022,  driven by the monthly increases in both Food and Non-Food categories; Food inflation has increased to 93.7 per cent in August 2022, while Non-Food inflation has increased to 50.2 per cent.

In this scenario, LKR Rs 4,166.00 is obviously not sufficient to achieve the basic needs at a minimal level.  The Department of Census and Statistics  has therefore re-estimated the Poverty Line by incorporating price dynamics alongside dynamics in lifestyle and consumption patterns, at LKR Rs 6,966.00 in 2022. But this re-estimated poverty line also does not capture the severity of the current inflation, though it is certainly more realistic than the earlier calculation at LKR Rs 4,166.00.

The impact of price hike on poverty incidence is apparent when poverty rates are calculated based on the re-estimated Poverty Line. As shown in Figure 1,  poverty Headcount Index per the New Poverty Line (NPL) in 2019 has dramatically increased at both the national and sectoral levels: from 3.2 per cent to 14.3 per cent  in the NPL. Similarly, poverty rates in Urban and Rural sectors have increased from 1.1 per cent to 6.0 per cent, and from 3.3 per cent to 15.0 per cent respectively, while the Estate sector accounts for the highest increase in poverty — from 10.4 per cent to 33.8 per cent. According to this estimation, one in every three individuals in the Estate sector is poor.

Calculations based on the NPL has increased the number of poor people from 689,900 to 3,042,300 at the national level, pushing an additional 2,352,500 people into poverty. Increase in the number of poor people is more substantial in the Rural sector where the number has increased from 548,400 to 2,500,600. This clearly highlights a marked increase in poverty incidence in Sri Lanka, following the pandemic  its current economic crisis.

Recognising the Vulnerable Non-Poor

According to the Old Poverty Line (OPL; at LKR Rs 4,166.00), only 3.2 per cent (in 2019) of Sri Lanka’s population were poor while the new figure is 14.3 per cent according to the re-estimated NPL (at LKR Rs 6,966.00). However, there is a high concentration of people who are just above the poverty line. They are categorised as ‘Non-poor’ as their monthly expenditure is higher than those at or below the Poverty Line, though they may fall into poverty due to any minor shock to the system. Adverse shocks such as sudden price hikes or loss of employment lower their purchasing power, and they might not be able to spend as much. Such groups — who are just above the poverty line —  are at a high risk of becoming poor, and should be considered as the ‘Vulnerable Non-poor’.  Any adverse economic shock may push them back into poverty and, consequently, poverty incidence can again increase significantly. The Department of Census and Statistics data stresses that the poverty Headcount Index may increase from 3.2 per cent to 4.9 per cent, pushing a further 346,700 people into poverty, if the OPL increased by 10 per cent.  Thus, extra attention should be paid to the Vulnerable Non-poor in order to avoid their falling back into poverty.

Further, conventional two-way poverty classification — ‘Poor’ and ‘Non-Poor’ — also ignores the huge disparities within each group. As discussed above, some households classified as ‘Non-Poor’ might be just above the poverty line, and might fall back into poverty due to any small shock; similarly, some of the households classified as Poor might be just below the poverty line while the rest far below the poverty line and suffering from severe poverty. Thus, it is crucial to take into account disparities within the ‘Poor’ and ‘Non-Poor’ in order to implement more realistic policies towards poverty reduction. This will entail a more nuanced identification of types of ‘Poor’, which may be as follows:

  • Extreme Poor: If the household’s expenditure is less than or equal to half of official poverty line.
  • Poor: If the household’s monthly expenditure lies between half of the official poverty line and the official poverty line.
  • Vulnerable Non-Poor: If the household’s monthly expenditure lies between the    official poverty line and 1.5 times the official poverty line.
  • Non-Poor: If the household’s monthly expenditure is higher than 1.5 times the official poverty line.

This four-way categorisation of the Poor will help Sri Lanka to recognise specific groups of poverty, and to implement anti-poverty policies more effectively by focusing on the varying requirements of the differently-identified poverty categories.

Social Protection Programs and the Alleviation of Poverty

Sri Lanka has been practicing different kinds of social protection programs since her independence in 1948 and, over the years, such programs became a key component of political propaganda amongst political parties. However, these programs have not been very successful in alleviating poverty, and consequently poverty remains a development issue in Sri Lanka.

Social protection programs are recognised as political strategies which have been used to win the will of lower income group voters during elections. The current post-pandemic/economic crises situation has made them ever more essential. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank — major investors in and lenders to Sri Lanka — have also emphasised the importance of social protection programs to facilitate the lower income groups in Sri Lanka.

Table 1 summarises the key findings of the estimated impact of social protection programs on poverty in Sri Lanka.

Table 1: Summary of Estimated Impact of Social Protection Programs in Sri Lanka. Source: Data from the Department of Census & Statistics of Sri Lanka © Author.

According to figures in Table 1, social protection programs have reduced poverty from 7.9 per cent to 3.2 per cent under the OPL, and from 20.5 per cent to 14.3 per cent under NPL.  Hence, Sri Lanka poverty figures could have potentially increased by 6.2 per cent (under NPL) in the absence of social protection programs. The positive impact of the Pension scheme on poverty is substantial, and poverty Headcount Index may have increased to 16.7 per cent without it. Apart from that, Sri Lanka poverty rates could have increased up to 15.9%, 14.7% and 15.1% under NPL in the absence of the Samurdhi Program, Elderly Payment and Fertiliser Subsidy programs respectively.

It is therefore essential to implement appropriate social protection programs in order to ensure a better living standard for lower income groups who are suffering by the multiple crises that Sri Lanka has faced in recent years, from the Easter bomb blasts of 2019 to the impact of the pandemic and the current critical economic instabilit

2023年6月8日 Sri Lanka’s population in poverty surges to 31-pct of population:  LirneAsia Survey / Economy Next

Sri Lanka’s poor has surged by 4 million to 7 million since 2019 to 31 percent of the population in 2023, a survey has found as the country was hit by the worst currency crisis in the history of its central bank.

A 10,000 person survey by LirneAsia, a regional policy research organization, found that 33 percent of the respondents had skipped a meal and 47 percent reduced their meal sizes, after the currency crisis.

About 27 percent of adults restricted their meals to feed children. The survey was conducted from October 10, 2022 to May 12, 2023.

Sri Lanka started an output gap targeting exercise (Keynesian stimulus) printing large volumes of money and a so-called flexible exchange rate backed by inconsistent policy collapsed in 2022 from 200 to 360 to the US dollar, tearing apart the monetary foundations of families, destroying real salaries and jobs.

Food prices soared partly due to a global commodity bubble fired by the Federal Reserve and also import restrictions from forex shortages and disruption to agriculture from a fertilizer ban.

Agro-chemicals were bannd to ‘save’ 300 to 400 million dollars in foreign exchange, the government said at the time.

Rohan Samarajiva Chair of LirneAsia said he searched for historical data and found a thesis done by one M Salgado, which estimated gross domestic product during the Great Depression.

“He talked about the Great Depression affecting Sri Lanka and how our per capita income, which was about 80 dollars, went down by about half over a period of four years,” Samarajiva told a forum where research findings was released.

The Great Depression was a ‘deflationary collapse’ during the 1930s came in the wake of the Federal Reserve firing the ‘roaring 20s bubble’ after accidentally inventing the policy rate giving power to economists to mis-target interest rates, analysts have said.

Sri Lanka at the time however did not have a central bank to trigger a currency collapse. Food prices fell steeply during the Great depression. In a central bank currency crisis, the worst hit are wage earners whose salaries do not go up as prices rise with a collapse of the value of domestic money.

From March 2023, Sri Lanka central bank has appreciated the currency with deflationary policy, allowing food prices to fall.

In Sri Lanka poverty among Sri Lanka’s plantation worker families was already high at 31 percent by 2019, based on a household income and expenditure survey (HIES 2019) of the state statistics office.

“This has worsened in 2023. Now more than half our estate workers are living below the poverty line,” Tharaka Amarsinghe, a researcher at LIRNEasia said.

“Now more than half our estate workers are living below the poverty line.”

In the rest of rural Sri Lanka poverty has doubled from 15 to 32 percent from 2019 to 2023.

In urban areas, which are densely populated, poverty tripled to 6 to 18 percent.

About 32 percent of families had sold household assets and 50 percent had run down their savings.

Another 6 percent did not send their children to school, indicating that 203,000 children did not attend school. Parents had mentioned that they did not have exercise books and had to make up books from empty pages of old books, according to a panelist.

Sri Lanka has a number of government income support programs, chief among them known as Samurdhi.

The survey found that 1.7 million families got Samurdhi benefits but only 40 percent were poor or below the official poverty line Gayani Hurrulle, Senior Research Manager at LirneAsia said.

About 4 percent were in the richest income decile, 5 percent were in the next.

Only 17 percent who were on Samurdhi benefits have exited the program. Opaque criteria including attending political meetings were used by Samurdhi officials to admit new applicants, respondents to the survey had said.

Sri Lanka is now starting a new program called Aswesuma which will consolidate existing schemes including Samurdhi, an old age benefit scheme and kidney patient’s support.

Applicants would be able to enter and exit based on set criteria.

The new scheme would come into effect from July 01. At the moment applications have closed as the beneficiaries are processed.

But it will be reopened after it starts operating, B Wijayarante, Chairman of Sri Lanka’s Welfare Benefits Board said.

Applicants who are rejected in the first round could appeal. The first round of data was collected by enumerators. In the future applications could be made online.

Classical economists have suggested taking away the power to mis-target rates and depreciate the currency from macro-economists by dollarization or hard-pegging to make it more difficult to tip people into poverty.

2022年12月貧困ライン統計値 Official poverty line by District : December 2022 / Department of Census & Statistics

